Copyright © 1998-2020 acoutek LLC
Technical Expertise
Acoustics Subject Matter Expert
Acoutek LLC (GT) has served in the role as on-site Acoustics Subject Matter Expert (SME)
at International Space Station Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs) and Design Review
Meetings (DRMs) with International Partners and acoustics specialists at locations in
Russia, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and at NASA Glenn Research Center,
NASA Ames Research Center and NASA Johnson Space Center in the USA.
Acoutek LLC was a Member of the Preliminary (PDR) and Critical Design Review (CDR)
Teams for the NASDA/Toshiba/MHI Centrifuge Rotor (CR) and the Centrifuge Rotor
Accommodation Module (CAM) and helped develop requirements, implement risk
management processes, evaluate milestone review planning and support Review Item
Discrepancy (RID) disposition.
Acoutek LLC has significant technical and management experience in providing
Acoustics Subject Matter Expertise to prospective customers in their pursuit to
developing, testing and operating complex acoustic design challenges.
Acoutek LLC Acoustics SME served institutions and locations
NEC Toshiba Space, Keihin Product Operations
Yokohama, Japan
Toshiba Corporation
Kawasaki, Japan
Kobe, Japan
MHI Aerospace Systems Corporation
Nagoya, Japan
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI)
Kobe, Japan
National Space Development Agency (NASDA)
Tsukuba Space Center, Tsukuba, Japan
later: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Tsukuba Space Center, Tsukuba, Japan
Moscow, Russia
Bradford Engineering, B.V.
Heerle, Netherlands
Astrium (Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace)
Bremen, Germany
ESA Thales Allenia Space
Rome, Italy
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, Ohio
NASA Ames Research Center
Mountain View, California
NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas